Find NHS Services in London
NHS elective care services near me
Our search service allows you to find and compare elective care services near you by waiting time, CQC care quality rating and distance from your home. So whether you are looking for the closest service to you or services further away with shorter waiting times, use our search service to find the best services near you.
Under the NHS Choice Framework, you have the right to choose where you are referred for non-urgent treatment, subject to a few exceptions. This means you can choose to be seen at a hospital further away with shorter waiting times or better CQC care quality ratings.
Our search service currently includes the following services from select providers in London: cardiology, cataract surgery, colonoscopy, dermatology, gastroscopy, hip replacement, knee replacement, orthopaedics, and pain management.
What is elective care?
Elective care refers to planned, non-urgent care. This includes specialist consultations, diagnostic scans and procedures (e.g. MRI, ultrasound and certain endoscopies), and surgeries such as hip and knee replacements.
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England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland run their own health services independently, and as a result have different policies and guidance in many instances. While we aim to expand our services to all four nations, currently our guides only apply to patients in England.
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