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Compare dentists in Ealing Southall - NHS & Private

Find and compare the best NHS and private dentists in Ealing Southall. There are 18 dental practices in Ealing Southall, who together provided more than 114,240 courses of NHS treatment in 2023/24.
Compare dentists in Ealing Southall - NHS & Private

For a full ranking of GP practices in Ealing Southall, see our Best and Worst NHS GPs in Ealing Southall article, rating GPs by patient satisfaction and care quality scores.

There are 18 dental practices in Ealing Southall, of which 15 provide both NHS and private treatments.

Nationally, there are more than 7,000 dental practices. Approximately 80% of dental practices treat NHS and private patients, while the remaining 20% exclusively provide private treatments. However, a BBC investigation in 2022 found that just 1 in 10 dental practices are accepting new adult NHS patients.

Between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024, the 15 NHS dental practices in Ealing Southall provided more than 114,240 courses of treatment, including:

  • 49,800 band 1 NHS treatments (e.g. standard examination, x-rays and treatment for sensitive teeth)
  • 36,491 band 2 NHS treatments (e.g. fillings, root canal treatment and some oral surgery)
  • 6,547 band 3 NHS treatments (e.g. bridges, crowns and dentures/false teeth)
  • 21,132 urgent NHS treatments (e.g. removal of up to 2 teeth, abscess draining and temporary bridges)

Under NHS contracts, patients are charged £26.80 for band 1 treatments, £73.50 for band 2 treatments, £319.10 for band 3 treatments and £26.80 for urgent treatments. The NHS has a full list of the treatments classed under each category here.

For patients registered at GP practices in Ealing Southall, NHS England's yearly patient survey found that:

  • 72% patients reported having a good overall experience of NHS dental services
  • 81% were able to get an NHS dental appointment the last time they tried
  • 7% were not able to get an NHS dental appointment the last time they tried because the dentist was not taking new NHS patients
  • 25% have not tried getting an NHS dental appointment in the last two years because they did not think they could get an appointment

Using our search service, you can find and compare NHS and private dentists near you.

NHS and private dentists in Ealing Southall:

Name Address CQC Overall Rating Provides NHS treatments? Provides private treatments?
22 Northfield Avenue Northfield Avenue, London, Greater London, W13 9RL No rating Yes Yes
Baljeet Singh Chawla 66 King Street, Southall, Middlesex, UB2 4DD No rating Yes Yes
Broadway (Dental Surgery) 122 Broadway, London, Greater London, W13 0SY No rating Yes Yes
Dental Beauty Northfields 189 Northfield Avenue, London, W13 9QU No rating Yes Yes
Dental Department 20 Church Road, London, Greater London, W7 1DR No rating Yes Yes
Ealing Hospital Uxbridge Road, Southall, Greater London, UB1 3HW No rating Yes Yes
Ealingsmiles 151-153 Uxbridge Road, London, W13 9AU No rating No Yes
Hastings Road Dental Surgery 24 Hastings Road, London, W13 8QH No rating Yes Yes
Inspire Dental Health 56-58 South Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 1RQ Not applicable Yes Yes
Junction Road (Dental Surgery) 20 Junction Road, London, Greater London, W5 4XL No rating Yes Yes
Private Medical Centre Ltd 124 Uxbridge Road, London, W13 8QS No rating No Yes
St Bernards Hospital Forensic Services - Regional Secure, Uxbridge Road, Southall, Greater London, UB1 1EU No rating Yes Yes
St Marys Dental Surgery 76 St. Marys Road, London, Greater London, W5 5EX No rating Yes Yes
Sterling Dental Centre 89 South Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 1SQ No rating Yes Yes
Sterling Dental Private Clinic 91 South Road, Southall, UB1 1SQ No rating No Yes
Swift Road (Dental Surgery) 1 Swift Road, Southall, UB2 4RP No rating Yes Yes
The Ealing Dental Practice 6 Drayton Green Road, London, Greater London, W13 8RY No rating Yes Yes
Whitehouse Dental Practice Ltd 93-95 South Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 1SQ No rating Yes Yes

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